The decisive factor will be the speed at which the use of digitalization is driven forward in the coming decade.

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The decisive factor will be the speed at which the use of digitalization is driven forward in the coming decade.

Post by bhasan01854 »

he study estimates the CO2 savings potential of the four areas examined at a rather moderate development of digitalization, as is currently taking place in Germany, at around 78 megatons by 2030 - that is 30 percent of the necessary CO2 savings. With accelerated and targeted digitalization, however, the reduction of the aforementioned 120 megatons of CO2 is significantly greater and amounts to 46 percent of the necessary savings. "The faster and more consistently digital technologies are used, the more CO2 we can save in the future," concludes Berg. The results of the study on the four areas examined at a glance:

Industrial manufacturing : In the area of ​​industrial lebanon gambling data manufacturing, digital technologies have the greatest CO2 savings potential among the application areas considered: up to 61 megatons of CO2 can be saved by 2030 with accelerated digitization - and 35 megatons with a moderate digitization pace. One key technology is automation in production, in which systems and machines, workpieces and their components are networked with one another and processes run independently with the lowest possible use of materials and energy. On the other hand, the so-called digital twin ensures significant CO2 savings:

These virtual images of complete production and operating cycles make it possible to test processes first on a digital object rather than on a real one - this allows massive savings in material, energy and resources. "In industry, there are already efficient and climate-friendly production processes based on digital technologies. Now it's a matter of bringing them to as many factories as possible," says Bitkom President Berg.
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