SWOT analysis is an essential tool in the business planning process, also used in the field of Digital Marketing to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your social or business strategy.
In this article we discover the origin and importance of a well-done SWOT analysis, up to showing practical examples useful for those who would like to use the tool for the analysis of their strategy.
Let's take a leap into the past danish mobile numbers to return to the origins. SWOT analysis was invented in the 60s by Albert Humphrey , while he was conducting research on business planning in America, for the Stanford Research Institute.
Albert Humphrey, inventor of SWOT analysis.
Albert Humphrey, inventor of SWOT analysis.
From the very beginning, it was born to understand why some companies failed, while others succeeded and with the aim of defining the growth opportunities or threats of a company. But its versatility and ease of use has allowed the tool to be used for the growth and development of any project, to the point of becoming one of the essential elements also in the field of digital marketing.