Email Marketing Results Study: One in four Spaniards actively responds to loyalty-building commercial emails

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Email Marketing Results Study: One in four Spaniards actively responds to loyalty-building commercial emails

Post by RafiRiFat336205 »

One in four Spanish Internet users who receive commercial emails responds actively by opening or interacting with the message received, according to the Experian CheetahMail Email Marketing Results Study, a study conducted every six months that measures the health of the email marketing market and which on this occasion includes data exclusively from the Spanish market. This is the first time that a study of this nature has analysed the state of digital direct marketing in Spain.

In the Spanish market, the opening rate for commercial emails is 24%, above the average in markets such as France or America, where opening rates are slightly lower. As regards the click rate, the average number of people who interact with the message received is above 4%, a rate higher than the 3.5% in the French market. Opening and click rates are the two basic indicators of email marketing that define the success of a campaign.

By sector, Banking and Insurance recorded the highest opening rates, above 40%, while Distribution achieved the best results overall, with opening rates close to 30% and click rates above 6%.

Improving data, a pending issue One of the most relevant age whatsapp conclusions of the study is the work that remains to be done in cleaning and purifying advertisers' databases, since more than 10% of the commercial emails sent in the first half of the year never reached their destination.

Although in some cases this may be due to specific technical problems, in most cases this happens when the email addresses are incorrect or have been cancelled.

A clean database will also more easily avoid webmail spam filters.

The Experian CheetahMail email marketing results study is carried out with data from loyalty campaigns in the Spanish market. In total, 50 Spanish Experian CheetahMail clients have participated in the preparation of this study, which has analysed 200 million emails sent in 10,000 loyalty email marketing campaigns sent during the first half of 2008. Download study
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