Emailing Network opens new market niches for NH, with an email marketing campaign

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Emailing Network opens new market niches for NH, with an email marketing campaign

Post by RafiRiFat336205 »

Email marketing for customer acquisition is consolidated as a tool for getting to know the consumer on the Internet Emailing Network has carried out an email marketing campaign for customer acquisition for the NH hotel chain, with the aim of expanding the market niches to which it can direct its commercial offer. The campaign, which draws a trip to Lisbon, has been sent to a segmented group of potential consumers of hotel services and has lasted a month and a half.

The creative and persuasive axis of the campaign has been one of the keys to its success. And it is that “the gift must be selected according to the characteristics of the public we are targeting,” says Pablo Nowenstein , Founder of Emailing Network . And he adds, “if in addition to additional advantages when receiving information from the advertiser, we offer the consumer the possibility of winning a gift, their interest increases significantly, as does the number of registrations generated.

We have found that depending on the offer we make, we can double ai whatsapp number south africa free or triple the number of registrations for an advertiser.” The customer file, before being a customer The customer file is changing. And the information needs about the client are also changing. The information that a few years ago was obtained at the time of booking, is now sought before the first contact with the potential client is made. This is due to the exponential increase in the offer of hotel services, mainly in the online environment, which has forced brands to promote personalized treatment; even before the client has become a consumer. In addition, thanks to this information, the offer is adjusted to the specific needs of the user and the offer is intended to advance to future consumer needs.

For Cristina Luque , director of Strategic Alliances and NH Media, knowing the consumer in depth is vital. “On the Internet, reaching the target is more difficult since obtaining information depends solely on the user. On their intention to give information about their hobbies, consumption habits, marital status or age… And, how could we offer them what they need if we do not know who we are talking to?” Pablo Nowenstein comments that “in short, the final objective for the advertising company is to bring the brand closer to the consumer and establish a positive and lasting relationship with them.”

In search of the user's Yes I do The campaigns ofEmail marketing campaigns for customer acquisition aim to increase the number of opt-in registrations: users who have previously said “Yes I do” to the information sent by the advertiser and who actively decide that they want to establish a continued and positive relationship with the brand. For Cristina Luque, one of the most important aspects of this type of campaign is that “these types of registrations are “voluntary”. This fact changes the way we relate to our potential consumers, who have the power to decide on the brands with which they want to maintain a relationship.”
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