Internal Multipliers: what they are and why you should value them

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Internal Multipliers: what they are and why you should value them

Post by bitheerani319 »

Both leaders and other employees can act as internal multipliers

Internal multipliers are professionals hired by the company who, in addition to performing their duties, help manage the organization's knowledge. They share what they know and work as mentors, with the aim of accelerating the training and development process of other employees.

What you will see in this article:

What are Internal Multipliers?
Advantages of training internal multipliers
When to invest in internal multipliers?
How to stimulate Internal Multipliers?
Investing in training is a fundamental strategy for a company california realtors email list perform well. It is even better when employees are so engaged in the process that they pass on the knowledge they have acquired to their colleagues.

When this happens, the organization encourages the presence of internal multipliers: important agents for knowledge management and continuity of good practices within the company.

But what are these internal multipliers and why should your company invest in them? Find out the answers in this article and improve your organization’s performance by investing in corporate education!

What are Internal Multipliers?

In general terms, internal multipliers are company employees who teach practices and techniques to their colleagues, disseminating important knowledge among teams. These actors collaborate by transmitting information that has the potential to improve everyone's work, benefiting both the professionals and the organization.

Investing in employee education is one of the best ways to improve company performance, making your team more technically qualified and with important subjective skills to perform their role more efficiently. This strategy allows the organization to achieve better results and achieve a prominent position in the market.

That is why it is essential to invest in strategies such as corporate training and people development actions, taking care of your internal audience so that the company benefits as a whole.

In this sense, when participating in actions, it is natural for an employee to end up teaching his/her colleague something he/she learned in training and even in other experiences in his/her life, which were not directly promoted by the company. Thus, this employee helps to increase the circulation of knowledge within the team and organization, enriching the company's learning and intellectual capital .
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