But what’s really great about this approach

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But what’s really great about this approach

Post by zihadhosenjm80 »

But what’s really great about this approach, is that you’re now on their radar. Even if you don’t immediately land a gig, you have an opportunity to stay top of mind over time.

I always keep track of my freelance prospects that seem interested—but for one reason or another it just isn’t a good fit with timing right now—and I’ll keep promoting their content on my social feeds (for free), stay in touch and those often materialize into deals over the course of months, even years later.

"Freelancing is all about relationships. Prepare for the long game."
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If you want even more direction on how to nail your cold email templates, check out this free masterclass hosted by my friend Sujan Patel, who’s built multiple profitable SaaS businesses on the back of cold email outreach.

5. Following Up (Intelligently) on Your Cold Email.
Here’s another hard truth about freelancing: You have to fight to get noticed. And simply having the right email template isn’t enough to capture the attention of your prospects.

That’s because everyone you’re pitching is busy as hell.

"You have to fight to get noticed as a freelancer. That means australia phone number library the follow up."
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If I never followed up on my cold emails (especially in the early days freelancing), I wouldn’t stay busy.

How to Write Cold Email Freelance Clients Ryan Robinson Following Up
But there’s a fine line between being that annoying person who sends check-in emails every other day and allowing yourself to justify not following up simply because you haven’t heard back yet.

You have to strike a balance and provide value with your follow ups, don’t just ping your prospects with the same question every time you follow up.

Steli Efti, founder of Close (one of the best CRMs for small business owners) is a master at following up and knows the importance of never letting a lead slip away.

He shares, “I have a simple philosophy. I follow up as many times as necessary until I get a response. I don’t care what the response is as long as I get one. If someone tells me they need another 14 days to get back to me, I will put that in my calendar and ping them again in 14 days.”

What about when you send your cold email and don’t hear back for a few days?

Here’s exactly what you should follow, based on what works well for me.
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