The students who have taken the exam have again had two blocks of exams divided into compulsory and optional subjects:

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The students who have taken the exam have again had two blocks of exams divided into compulsory and optional subjects:

Post by Bappy12 »

These days of nerves and revision serve to evaluate those who will enter the next phase of their academic life. According to official studies, almost 90% of students who take the Selectividad exams manage to pass and 80% of those who pass manage to enter their preferred course, that is, the one they put first on their list.

This year, students have been faced with the introduction of the EVAU (University Access Assessment).

Do you want to know the differences compared to other years? There really haven't been many.

Firstly, there must be a minimum of 70% of common content in the exams of all the autonomous communities. This represents a change from the famous PAU (University Access Test), in which this percentage did not exist. This is the compulsory part and consists of 4 or 5 exams depending on the Autonomous Community, since if it has its own language, as is the case of the Basque Country, Catalonia, Valencia and Galicia, students must take an additional exam. In this first phase, knowledge of the common subjects is assessed.
Secondly, there has been a reduction in subjects. The subjects of the first year o list of brazil cell phone numbers f Baccalaureate only count towards the average of the same: they are not included in the exam. It will no longer be necessary to choose between History or Philosophy, Universal Literature or Economics. This year, there have only been 4 core subjects and 4 optional subjects. The latter will be used by students who want to raise their grades to 14 points. In this specific part, students can take the exam in the Baccalaureate of their choice - Social Sciences, Humanities or Science - regardless of which they have studied.
10 minutes extra break: Students have up to 30 minutes of break between each exam. Last year, it was 20 minutes.

Studying after university entrance exams

However, when they finish, many do not know exactly which path to take and a university degree is not the only option you have after finishing high school. It is difficult to choose what you want to do in the next few years in just a few days. One of the possible scenarios is that they do not get the grade they need to access a certain university degree. In this case, some choose to wait for the next session, which is in September.

Others will take the risk of choosing another career, the one they had as their second or third choice on their list. Whatever it is, I want to show you that not all the options end there and that there are other types of training that you can access and that will add skills.

Formal training courses
These courses are called Vocational Training (FP) and there are several levels: advanced level and intermediate level. The difference to access one or the other is the minimum studies you have completed. You can choose to do one that is similar to the university degree you want to do, so you can check if it is the sector you like the most, as well as acquiring extra knowledge.

Non-regulated training courses
This type of training includes Professional Certificates. There are several levels: 1, 2 and 3. If you have a Baccalaureate degree, you can easily access any of the levels. If not, you can choose to take a course to obtain the necessary Key Competencies .

University career
If you have successfully passed the Selectividad exam and have achieved the required cut-off mark to be able to access the degree you want, you are ready to start. Even so, and while you are completing your studies, you can sign up for the Youth Guarantee and continue training in the area that most interests you.

As a summary, here is an infographic for you to evaluate your options:

Infographic on studying after university entrance exams

Non-formal training is just as valid as formal training, not only for the knowledge it provides you with to perform any job, but also to acquire the necessary foundation that can help you start your university career. These are two great options that you can choose to continue your training and fill out your CV a little .
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