Can I access a course if I do not have Spanish nationality or live in another country?

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Can I access a course if I do not have Spanish nationality or live in another country?

Post by Bappy12 »

Another FAQ post! This one will help you understand training courses for employment a little better. More and more foreigners are settling in Spain and finding work.

Subsidized courses do not discriminate in any way and official bodies allow anyone to access them. However, they must also meet the access requirements of age, employment status or minimum studies. Today we are talking about HOMOLOGATION.

At this time, the training offered by Grupo Femxa is only available at a national telemarketing leads brazil telephone number data level, since the entities that finance our courses are Spanish. This does not mean that in the future we will be able to open up to other countries, but at the moment, we are working on it.

I live in Spain but I don't have Spanish nationality. Can I take subsidized courses?
If you do not have Spanish nationality but you do have a NIE, you could access without any problem, provided that you meet the access requirements for the courses.

subsidized courses

My studies are in the process of being approved. Could I sign up for a course?
Once again, the answer is that it depends. If the course you are interested in requires you to have a certain qualification and you do not have it yet or it is in the process of being recognised, you would not be able to access it. On the other hand, if the course you are interested in does not have any study requirements, you could access it without any problem, since it would not affect in any way that you have the qualifications being recognised. If you expect to have the recognition before the start of the course, you can request a place and when we contact you, tell us your situation and we will advise you.

The validation of studies is for those who have studied in another country and now live in Spain. It is an essential step for studies abroad to be valid in Spain. Another step is the validation of studies, a necessary step to be able to join the Spanish educational system.

Let's look in detail at the difference between both concepts:

Homologation involves reviewing the equivalence of the studies you have completed abroad for academic purposes and giving them validity and official status throughout Spain.
The validation of foreign studies for Spanish education courses is the declaration of the equivalence of the studies completed that will allow you to continue your studies at a Spanish educational center.
Both homologation and validation can be requested by Spanish or foreign citizens who have studied or obtained an official foreign non-university education qualification at an authorized center.

If you are an immigrant, you come from a foreign educational system and you wish to enroll in one of the six courses of Primary Education or up to 3rd year of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), you will not have to complete any procedure. That is, foreign courses equivalent to the six years of Primary Education and 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of ESO do NOT need validation.
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