13 Incredibly Surprising Statistics About Email Personalization

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13 Incredibly Surprising Statistics About Email Personalization

Post by sourovk291 »

As you know, emailing is the number 1 channel for communicating with your targets , developing a close relationship and increasing your sales.

But did you know that to make this channel even more impactful, personalization is one of the most effective tactics?

Each of your customers is different. And it’s these differences that make them unique.

Personalization to individualize customer relations

You must therefore individualize the customer relationship as much as possible denmark telegram data by creating contextualized and personalized messages , which are aimed at them in particular.

Sending standard emails shows a lack of strategy and creativity; and it's a waste of your time, energy and money.

Let's discover together 13 email statistics around the personalization of emailing as well as some tips for creating more personal messages.

Email Personalization: What Benefits for Your Business?
Although many people know the benefits of personalizing customer relationships and the content offered to each of their personas – giving their marketing automation campaigns a huge boost – some marketers don't use it enough.

Emails with personalized content are much more relevant to your customers ; sending personalized emails often results in increased open rates, click-throughs, and greater engagement.

Also, personalizing tailored messages helps establish a more intimate connection with your customers and brings real added value to the customer experience .

Let’s see what the numbers tell us about the power of email personalization.

13 Statistics That Prove Email Personalization Boosts Business Sales and Revenue
#1 – 89% of companies surveyed consider that personalization has a positive impact on customer relations
The second edition of a study carried out in 2019 by BCG and AFRC reveals that 89% of the companies surveyed consider that personalization has a positive impact on customer relations , improving customer loyalty and customer satisfaction; also, 94% of them consider that personalization has a positive effect on the motivation and commitment of employees, themselves in charge of customer relations.

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and French Customer Relations Association (AFRC)

#2 – 94% of marketers and 90% of marketing agencies believe that content personalization is the future of content marketing
For marketers and digital strategy agencies, personalization is essential and represents the future of content marketing .

This is the sine qua non condition for guaranteeing a quality customer experience and thus ensuring business performance.


#3 – 50% of businesses believe email personalization increases subscriber interactions
Half of companies believe that personalizing emails helps increase the number of interactions with their subscribers .


#4 – Personalized emails produce a 119% higher click-through rate than regular emails
Emails personalized according to the purchasing habits and interests of the targets produce a click rate 119% higher than classic emails.


#5 – Nearly nine out of ten Internet users say that personalization influences their purchases
There’s no denying that personalization can really boost a company’s sales. Nearly 90% of American internet users say that personalization influences their purchases .


#6 – 82% of marketers have seen an increase in open rates through email personalization
Personalization increases email open rates. 82% of marketers have seen an increase in open rates through email personalization, while 75% of them believe that click-through rates are higher.
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