5 categories of questions to easily create an FAQ

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5 categories of questions to easily create an FAQ

Post by taslimakhatun119 »

Before you start, you can save time on the tedious writing step: download our FAQ template , available in Word format. This document, written by our experts, includes a whole series of pre-written questions and answers. Fully customizable, this template ensures that you create an effective FAQ , to add in the blink of an eye to your website.

the template for creating a FAQ
1. Presentation of your company and your offer
Part of your FAQ can be dedicated to presenting your company and your offer. Through this section, you seek to inspire confidence and encourage conversion . It is therefore a question of listing the arguments that will convince the Internet user that you are a serious seller, capable of meeting their expectations.

You can explain, for example, who you are: “ What is [name of your company japan telegram phone number list service] ?” The goal here is to address prospects who do not yet know you, but who show a potential interest in your products or services. If they consult your FAQ, it means that they are looking to make sure that you are serious !

With your FAQ, you can also help Internet users use your services or choose the right product. For example, if you sell clothes online, you can present the size guide in the FAQ. This is to help the Internet user choose the right product and, ultimately, reduce the number of returns.

Always remember to include internal links to key pages of the site to make it easier for users to navigate . You can also integrate calls-to-action (or call-to-action buttons) to guide the Internet user to the next step in the sales funnel. If you sell services online, you can particularly promote a trial offer, a demonstration or a quote request: the FAQ can be one of the pillars of conversion.

2. Delivery terms
If you manage an online store, the FAQ is a strategic page to detail all the delivery terms. This is decisive information to convince an Internet user to place an order and guarantee their satisfaction. When creating the FAQ, you must therefore be as transparent and clear as possible.

You include, for example:

The countries to which you ship the products,
Rates, depending on shipping area, product category, etc.
The shipping solutions offered to customers (home delivery, express delivery, delivery to a relay point, click and collect, etc.)
The logistics aspect is fundamental to the success of your e-commerce business. It is therefore essential to highlight these elements to convince your buyers.

3. Return and refund conditions
Just like shipping, return and refund policies are among the essentials to include in an e-commerce FAQ . When shopping online, Internet users need to know whether they will be able to make an exchange or obtain a refund, and under what conditions.

A user will be more likely to buy from an e-retailer that offers free returns. This can therefore be a decisive factor for conversion . This is why, when you create your FAQ, it is in your best interest to mention it.

Remember that this page of your website must reassure and convince to buy. In your series of questions and answers, therefore, emphasize the arguments that will encourage Internet users to place an order.

4. The customer account
The FAQ is a help for your prospect or customer: it is then a question of being as exhaustive as possible. Even if a question seems simple or obvious to you, include it in your FAQ.
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