And the consumer journey doesn’t end here…

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[email protected]
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And the consumer journey doesn’t end here…

Post by [email protected] »

Phase 3. The purchase

After evaluating the alternatives available on the market, the consumer makes his decision . He decides on a model, a brand, the place of purchase (online or offline), the payment method… and this is the moment when he contacts the company or business.

If our product has been chosen, we must make the purchasing process as easy as possible and make it comfortable and safe. Generating security in our buyers is key to their completion of the process. At this stage, customer service makes the difference.

Phase 4. Relationship

Once the customer has made the purchase and used the saudi arabia whatsapp resource product, he or she will decide whether his or her expectations have been met or whether, on the contrary, he or she has been disappointed. In this case, not only will he or she not buy from us again, but he or she will also share a negative opinion of the product and the brand with his or her contacts and on the Internet. On the other hand, if the experience is good, he or she will probably recommend us. The most convincing advertising is that which is done by the customers themselves.

CRM Strategy
Do you work on your relationship with your customers after you have closed the sale? It is part of the consumer journey, the buyer's journey. Also focus part of your efforts on making these customers want to buy from you again in the future. Create a relationship with the customer and build loyalty through continuous communication with them, providing solutions and, above all, knowing and adapting to their needs . In other words, apply a CRM business strategy .

CRM (customer relation management) software is the computer tool that allows you to carry out this type of strategy and collect all the relevant information to better understand your customers and be able to offer them what they need, when and how they need it .
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