According to this document, the specialist has the following rights:
Contact management with a request to increase salaries, pay overtime in accordance with legal regulations and internal regulations that determine the procedure for remunerating personnel.
Present proposals to management on how to optimize business processes and create favorable working conditions.
Independently or on behalf of the manager, demand that other employees and departments provide reports and documents containing the necessary information.
Ask the head of the sales chinese overseas america data package department to provide support in completing assigned tasks and exercising rights.
Expect management to explain the procedure and provide the tools that will be used.
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The Sales Manager is responsible for:
For dishonest behavior or ignoring one’s job responsibilities as specified in the instructions – within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the provisions of the employment contract.
For failure to comply with regulatory requirements when performing one’s work – within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation and the provisions of the employment contract.
For causing material damage – within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the provisions of the employment contract.
Document for download
Sample job description for a sales manager
Distinctive features of the B2B manager job description
B2B is the sale of goods or services from one legal entity to another. The job description of a B2B manager will have some features. Let's consider them in more detail.
Responsibilities of a B2B Sales Manager
The list of duties of this specialist is determined by the direction of the company's activities.
Example 1. A small company sells semiautomatic welding machines. Its sales department has only a few employees, they support the client at all stages of the transaction. In particular, the manager must be able to demonstrate the operation of the mechanisms. Accordingly, his duties include delivery and demonstration of samples, helping the client choose the right tools for his business.
Example 2. An IT company provides a cloud service to corporate lawyers. It is characterized by the division of functions between sales specialists: in particular, some managers maintain a cold base, i.e. find the target audience and ensure receipt of initial applications. They are not required to process incoming calls and negotiate with regular customers; their main task is to determine audience requests and process the cold base.
Responsibilities of a B2B Sales Manager