Isn't there a similar situation in Japan? It canno

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Isn't there a similar situation in Japan? It canno

Post by shaownhasan »

t be denied that Japanese companies still have seniority-based and top-down decision-making and approval processes, but the generation that makes up companies is becoming more and more "MILLENNIALS". They are already in the golden age of SNS and find it difficult to empathize with old-generation media advertising. In addition, they have experienced the "stealth marketing" scandal of celebrity blogs, the problem of false information being flooded by mass-produced blogs by non-medical professionals, and the creatio belize phone number resource of the word "anti-profit", and there are probably many people who have a negative reaction to being blatantly sold something. Even though there are not many opportunities to be strongly conscious of "MILLENNIALS"-style purchases in Japan, an aging society, the BtoB purchasing scene may unexpectedly change significantly in the past few years.

What can be said about both Japan and the US is that communication that is clearly all about selling will sooner or later be easily seen through by decision-makers and shunned. Even in a relationship between a seller and a buyer, if there is a mutual trust, the buyer will not feel that they are being "sold" when a product is proposed to them, but rather that they are being recommended something that they need. This is exactly "Turning fans into customers and customers into fans." So how can we achieve this kind of communication? The answer is that the key keyword is "Personalize."

From “Millennial Mindset: How To Market, Collaborate & Connect With Digital Natives” (Brian Fanzo, iSocialFanz)
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