I already explained here why it wouldn't happen.

A collection of data related to the UK.
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Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:27 am

I already explained here why it wouldn't happen.

Post by rumana777 »

A degree in foreign languages, a specialization in mass communications applied to politics and customs, a past in journalism and press offices, hopping between different countries of the world and regions of Italy. Full-time blogger since 2013; since 2020 I have been transforming blogs into digital projects (and works).

HERE I TELL YOU HOW What really changes with AI Only a year ago vnpay data we were speculating, hypothesizing, predicting what would become of blogging with the exponential increase of generative Artificial Intelligence in the lives of readers; many of those hypotheses read and heard were completely unfounded (for example, the idea that blogs would die).

But as experts in online writing and passionate scholars of SEO and online research, it would be childish to deny that the way users search for information online has changed. When a reader needs useful information immediately, when they need to know how to do what, therefore for the simplest informational searches, readers no longer have the intention of reading articles with endless premises and answers hidden in the folds of an article.
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