Differences between a business assistant and an assistant and secretary

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Differences between a business assistant and an assistant and secretary

Post by maksudasm »

There are a number of important differences between a personal assistant and a business assistant. The first does not require business skills to solve various problems (conduct negotiations, etc.). A personal assistant, as the name suggests, performs the boss's private tasks. A business assistant is focused on solving company issues. He or she must have a broader outlook, since he or she has to understand different areas of business. A manager's assistant usually specializes in a certain area: communications, corporate law, marketing, HR, etc.

A business assistant is also very different from a secretary, who plays the role of an office worker, handling correspondence, answering calls, receiving visitors, and performing other tasks.

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Necessary skills and paytm data package qualities of a business assistant
Let's look at the groups of skills and abilities that an effective business assistant must possess.

Documentation management:

drafting business letters, various papers, applications, contracts, orders, all kinds of reports, etc.

proofreading letters and papers prepared by the manager;

drafting orders, creating presentations, draft documents;

working with mail (sorting messages by importance and urgency, sending responses, notifications and requests).

Skills and qualities of a business assistant

Time management:

scheduling and planning;

prioritizing tasks, creating and monitoring the manager's schedule;

competent planning of your working time;

recording tasks and deadlines for their completion, promptly reminding the boss about them;

optimal organization of the manager's working day;

informing about deadlines, meetings, trips and other business events.

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