Check out the 8 best data visualization tools!

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Check out the 8 best data visualization tools!

Post by najmulislam77 »

Many claim that information is the new currency of business, and that the Internet is the currency exchange where it is traded. Analogies aside, the most important thing is to understand it, and data visualization tools are essential in this process.

More than just analyzing them, you need to discover observations and patterns that would be difficult to notice with a mere analysis. That's why you should present them in a visual and intuitive way, as this is the best way to ensure that the information is understood by the board.

As author, journalist and information designer David McCandless said in his TED Talks, “By visualizing information, we transform it into a landscape that you can explore with your eyes, a kind of information map. When you’re lost, a map is always very useful.”

That said, we will now show you the 8 best greece telegram lead data visualization tools. Don’t miss this reading under any circumstances. Check it out!

1. Tableau
Possibly the most popular data visualization tool on the market, Tableau supports a wide variety of charts, maps, tables, and other elements. The main version must be installed on your computer, but you can also use it in the cloud, from any location and device, for example.

It is worth making it clear that to create visual data you will not need any type of programming knowledge, that is, you will not need to worry about lines of code and integrations with SQL, SAP, etc.

Tableau has free and paid versions, based on 5 different products:

Tableau Desktop;
Tableau Server;
Tableau Online;
Tableau Public;
Tableau Reader.
Check them out individually and see which option best suits your needs.

2. Infogram
Easy to use, Infogram allows you to create interactive maps, charts and infographics. Its free version is quite limited, but the paid version includes features with over 200 maps, private sharing, icon library, etc.

Like Tableau, Infogram does not require any programming knowledge. Anyone with a minimum of skills can use it and develop beautifully designed visual data that is readable and understandable to everyone.

To get an idea of ​​its efficiency, in Brazil, one of its clients is the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).

3. Plotly
Plotly is a web-based data analysis and visualization tool that offers a wide variety of charts with integrated social sharing capabilities. Its aesthetics are undoubtedly one of the most professional on the market, which is why it is the choice of organizations such as P&G and Shell.

There is a free version and a paid version. The problem with the first one is that all creations developed in it will become public, not to mention that it also doesn't offer many features.

The second option, on the other hand, will allow your information to be yours alone, that is, completely private. Plotly can be used on the company's local server or in the cloud, whichever you prefer. However, it is important to have some programming knowledge, as its structure is based on the Python language.
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