Come up with ideas for new content.

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Come up with ideas for new content.

Post by shaownhasane »

#3: Creative Strategist
The creative strategist is the final member of kazakhstan b2b leads the team and is responsible for connecting multimedia editors and media buyers. It’s a new role – the role of the creative strategist used to belong to the media buyer. But there are good reasons to separate them.

Media buyers analyze overall budget performance, while creative strategists focus on creative performance. It's a very different set of skills.

Good creative strategists are able to:

Create customer avatars.
Create and use a brand tone of voice.
Create content briefs for multimedia editors.
Analyze creative assets, including a detailed understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
Test and improve content to increase conversion rates.
Media buyers focus on hard metrics, while creative strategists focus on soft metrics:

Thumb dwell rate. Will people stop scrolling to watch your content? Thumbs-up rate is calculated by dividing the total number of video impressions by the number of views of at least 3 seconds. Meta will not charge you for ad views of less than 3 seconds.
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