So what should you do with text descriptions for product cards?

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So what should you do with text descriptions for product cards?

Post by sumaiyakhatun27 »

will play a much higher role in ranking a product page. Even the convenience and quality of your delivery is more important than a unique description.My opinion is to take information from the most authoritative source. And who can be the most authoritative source? Well, obviously – its manufacturer. There is nothing shameful in this if you take a text description from the manufacturer’s website.

Another example where non-unique content is justified is a regional site that reprints oman email list materials with a link to the source. At first I wanted to write - reprinting news related to this region, but... you know what's surprising, such a site can essentially reprint any news (with a link to the source) and get traffic to them. But there are several conditions. This should be a site with an audience, that is, the core of the site should be at least 10-15% of the total traffic (the core is users who constantly return to the site during the month).

In addition to reprints, the site should also contain its own editorial materials. Thus, by means of “copy-paste” materials, you can increase your traffic. But you should not reprint everything, but only what may be really interesting to your audience. The moment you stop paying attention to the demand for materials, having increased the number of reprints tenfold, you will simply lose trust in the site on the part of search engines, and they will begin to punish you for this uncleanliness.
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