Taking this data to the next level - here's a glimpse at what's possible, an analysis of type of page vs number of internal links shows you that for this site (not the distilled site) the money pages are getting very few internal links compared to top level pages and something is broken in the information architecture: Problem - How do I find any 302 redirects on my site? Xenu to the rescue! In order to catch redirects on your site you need to modify one of the settings on the crawl preferences to "treat redirects as errors": Then, when you run the report and export to excel redirects will no longer get the status code 200 but will get the true status code, be it 301 or 302! Perfect.
Problem - How do I check the indexing of a t france business email list est version of my site? Xenu of course! If your test version lies at a public URL such as testsite.distilled.co.uk then you can just point Xenu at that URL. However, if that's not an option then you can even run Xenu off a local HTML file which is pretty nifty: Problem - How do I generate an XML sitemap for my site? Although there are many many ways of generating an XML sitemap for your site, Xenu does this in a quite nice (if not particularly customisable) way.
This is perfect for small site owners with limited technical knowledge I think: Problem - How do I find images missing alt text? If only Xenu would do such a thing.... Wait, it does! Simply filter your excel download to image files, then the "Title" column is the alt text of the image: Well that's just a few of the many many applications of the Xenu tool - hopefully it's inspired you to go out and give it a try - I know I use it a lot for all kinds of things.
There's plenty more you can do with this but at a very crude level you can use it to identify pages with more than 100 l
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- Joined: Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:44 am