Structure of a Podcast

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Structure of a Podcast

Post by Dimaeiya333 »

Entertainment Podcast
Of the most common and widely available, entertainment podcasts are the ideal audio formats to disconnect from the daily grind.

This type of podcast makes listeners laugh, it talks about curious things, mysteries or funny anecdotes, it is a format to have fun and think about other things. They are quite flexible podcasts that, if they do not have a script, improvisation can tend to confuse users. An entertainment podcast with a good script will have an acceptable quality.

As with any project, you need to dedicate yourself and plan to create your vp quality email database podcast program. The structure of a podcast is based on 3 key elements: the introduction, the discussion and the closing.

how to make a podcast

This is the initial part of the podcast where the topic to be discussed and some initial concepts are presented. A typical greeting can be included, the members can be introduced, a kind of introduction that is not too long. In addition, the listeners and guest(s) are welcomed.

These are sections or segments that seek to develop the initial ideas that were already presented in the entry. The objective is to follow a line between one section and another so that there is coherence and tension in what you are developing, this makes the public's interest increase and remain.

The goal is to break down the main topic and go into detail. Additional sections can be recommendations, news, etc. These will vary depending on the type of podcast. Remember that podcasting is not about taking for granted or reading what you believe with certainty, but about expressing your opinions and points of view. This makes the audience identify with you and take their position on their own.

Once the conversation reaches its peak of tension and you have already completed the points of the script, then it is time to close or conclude. To do this, you can make a brief summary or reconcile the ideas that were discussed, the purpose is to leave your audience with that feeling of having absorbed the information, that is, of having learned something specific and that it was also interesting.

Remember to thank your guests for their participation, the listeners for having listened, and if it is a Panel podcast, also thank the rest of the team, but above all, give information on how to find or connect to the podcast and the rest of the episodes.

What do you need to make a podcast?
how to make a podcast

Microphone and headphones
how to make a podcast

Remember that audio is the main factor of the podcast, so, to record correctly, it is essential that you have a microphone, even if it is cheap. If possible, preferably use a pop filter, since this allows you to soften the sounds when speaking.

Headphones, on the other hand, will help you monitor the recording in real time and edit the audio in detail later.

It doesn't matter if your videos aren't of high quality at the beginning, but it is important that the audio, which is the most important element, can be heard correctly.

You can also make a recording beforehand and listen to it later so you can notice the details and make improvements.

To create your podcast you can use condenser or dynamic microphones .

Condenser microphones are very popular in the music world and are widely used by singers in studios. These types of microphones capture the sound of the environment or room where you are recording, that is, they are more open, so if you only have one microphone available, there are several people in the podcast and the space is small, then it would be a very good option.

Dynamic microphones are commonly used for live performances. They filter out sounds better so that the voice is clearer. Some models of them can be the Shure SM58 and the SM57b.

Program editing software/audio interface
how to make a podcastYou need a program to make your adjustments before uploading it to any platform.

When we talk about audio interface, we are referring to recording software. The interface digitizes the sounds that reach the microphone. You can record your audio from an application, but it is better if you can do it directly from a specialized program or tool where you can also edit it later.

In these programs you can add cuts, re-record, trim and add sections.

If you have guests who can't attend in person, then programs like Skype and Google Hangouts can help you connect and record remotely.

Nowadays, a single program can meet all needs, and the most common are : Adobe podcast, Audacity (free), Reaper. They are fairly easy-to-use interfaces, and in them, you can include music in the sections, level the volume of the voices, edit or eliminate aspects that are not necessary or relevant.

how to make a podcastTo shape your podcast with music, you must remember that just because you are online doesn't mean you can use any music, because many are copyrighted.

Research platforms that offer royalty-free music or pay for certification on other platforms so you can use them without problems. Some platforms for downloading royalty-free music are Freeplay and Jamendo.

Defines bit transfer

For Latin America, most online media consumption is via 3G connection, therefore it is recommended to use a 96 kbps MP3 format.
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