If your website continually pushes out quality information related to your industry, your SEO will improve. Creating a blog will also build a knowledge base for your employees, and those searching for information about your industry. They’ll spend more time on your website if the information you provide is relevant and updated. Make sure you create an editorial calendar to start the year.
It’s easy to start off strong with a blog, but if you don’t hold yourself accountable, you’ll quickly fall behind. 4. Make your website mobile-friendly. For better SEO in 2017, look no further than the phone in your mexico telegram mobile phone number list pocket. “Every year people spend more and more time on their mobile devices and tablets, but many websites still aren’t designed to account for different screen sizes and load times.
design, site structure, page speed, and more to make sure you’re not inadvertently turning mobile visitors away,” Moz reports. 5. Analyze site structure. Your site structure is critical for SEO. If users are having a hard time navigating your website, it will reflect poorly on your page rank.