Attempts by the mediator to play his own game

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Attempts by the mediator to play his own game

Post by maksudasm »

The conflicting parties must be sure that the mediator is really busy settling the situation. If they sense that his motivation is somewhat different, then the negotiations to resolve the confrontation will immediately reach a dead end.

Passive behavior of opponents

Reaching a compromise in negotiations is directly proportional to the activity of the opponents. Some conflictologists believe that the party in less favorable conditions should behave more actively. But it is better if everyone is energetic. An uncompromising position is not strategically beneficial to either party. A conflict is not a place where you can sit back and wait it out. Sooner or later, a clash can lead to even more dramatic results for each participant.

Lack of attention to working with emotions and tension

Conflict is always nervous tension mom database and emotional experiences. Because of this, adequate perception of the situation and the activities of the parties change significantly. It is very dangerous when expression takes over the mind. Such a state of affairs is quite real if no effort is made to reduce the level of tension and emotional background. To do this, in the psychological stage of contact, the mediator must work separately with each of the parties, unlike the main negotiations, in which three participate - both opponents and the arbitrator.

Lack of work with stereotypical perception

To protect themselves from emotional overload, people turn on a stereotypical perception of reality, which simplifies the picture of the world and social relations. Sometimes even a tunnel vision effect occurs, when entire areas of reality fall out of people's field of vision, and what they are still aware of loses its range of colors, becomes black and white. Social conflict management methods alone will not help here. It is necessary to use the technique of expanding the field of consciousness, changing points of view, reflexive understanding of the situation, for example, from the opponent's side.

Lack of work with stereotypical perception

Generalization of the conflict – ignoring measures to limit and localize it

Each of the opponents tries to make his position look stronger. For this purpose, powerful supporters can be attracted to the dispute, and if the process is not stopped, the conflict will expand its zone, involving an increasing number of participants. Therefore, any negotiations should begin with an agreement to limit the area of ​​the conflict and the number of opponents.

Errors in the contract

Agreements to resolve a conflict situation should be recorded on paper, no matter how serious the incident was. When an agreement is drawn up during negotiations, it turns the process into a significant event, making it more rational.

But if the text of the document contains defects, the interaction may be in vain. We are not talking about grammatical errors, but about distortion of the content, when the authors missed a number of important aspects. As a result, one of the parties will be able to violate the agreement on completely legal grounds. After all, this situation is not reflected in the document, which means that the opponent does not bear any obligations.
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