What does the strategy include?

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What does the strategy include?

Post by bitheerani319 »

The digital strategy is developed based on research, planning and validation work.

First , the objectives are defined at a general level and other short-term objectives. Then, the target audience is established , that is, the audience to whom our strategy will be directed, knowing their tastes, interests and particularities such as age, sex and all those data that may be of value to achieve the stated objectives.

A fundamental aspect of the strategy is to analyse the competition . Knowing tunisia phone number list they are doing and being able to find those niches where they are not acting will help us to create our own space and meet the needs that our public demands. It is also a good way to know the state of the market.

With all this information, we will be able to establish the lines of action . That is, with this we will know where we want to lead our brand and we will set actions to materialize these lines of action. It is important here to differentiate yourself and to make the most of what makes your business unique, the reason why your client should choose you.

In another stage, the timeframes in which the established results are to be achieved are set. Here, the behaviour of our audience is taken into account according to the chosen platforms. Finally, an aspect that is extremely relevant and transcendental for the success of any strategy: defining the investment . What investment? The one we will make in social networks to support the management and thereby ensure that the objectives set are achieved. Without investment, the management of social networks is a question of presence ; the planned investment, thought out based on a strategy, will result in positioning, reputation, sales and interaction with the community.
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