One of the most interesting aspects of the consortium system is its diversification into various market segments. This variety allows consumers to find options that meet their specific needs, from the purchase of light vehicles and motorcycles to real estate, heavy vehicles, electronics and services. We can say that consortiums are a new “yes” for people’s dreams.
Last year, total annual sales were distributed among 1.70 million light vehicle purchases, 1.27 million motorcycle purchases, 779.35 thousand real estate purchases, 310.37 thousand heavy vehicle purchases, 79.29 thousand electronic products, and 47.06 thousand services. This diversification significantly expands opportunities for consumers, allowing them to invest in a wide range of products and services according to their priorities and financial capabilities. For example, real estate consortia continue to be one of the most popular options, offering a safe and efficient way to plan the purchase of a home without the high costs of traditional financing. There is no dream more Brazilian than owning your own home – and consortia make this dream, and many others, a reality.
Consumer trends in 2023 also reveal important information panama whatsapp data about consumer behavior regarding consortia. One notable trend is the increase in the average ticket for consortium quotas. In December, the average ticket was R$74,240, registering an increase of 24.6% compared to the same month in 2022, just one year earlier. This increase reflects consumers' growing interest in higher-value quotas, with affordable installments that fit their financial capabilities.
This movement indicates a greater willingness among consumers to invest in higher-value goods, which is a positive sign for the economy. Furthermore, the increase in the average ticket suggests a growing confidence in the consortium system as a safe and efficient investment tool – once again, the numbers say it all: when considering the behavior of average tickets in December over the last five years, there was a nominal increase of 38.7% , evidencing the real appreciation of investments in consortiums.
One point that makes consortia so attractive is precisely the real appreciation of investments over the years, because as consumers continue to invest in consortia, they not only save for future purchases, but also benefit from the appreciation of the goods acquired. In other words, considering the evolution of average tickets and the impact of inflation, consortia offer an effective way to protect consumers' purchasing power.
Over the past year, the number of contemplations (when consortium members can use their credits to purchase goods and hire services) reached 1.62 million, 6.6% above the 1.52 million in 2022. Consortium members who were contemplated had R$83.93 billion in credits granted, potentially injected into the economy, 21.4% higher than the R$69.14 billion from a year earlier. This real appreciation of investments reinforces consumers' confidence in the consortium system, allowing them to preserve and even increase the value of their investments over time.