Marketing Planning for Industries: What You Need for 2023

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Marketing Planning for Industries: What You Need for 2023

Post by monira444 »

According to the Digital Maturity and Sales in Brazil survey , 94% of companies have already adopted digital marketing as a growth strategy. This means that there are still 6% that are completely out of the current context, practically swimming against the tide of digital transformation.

But even if the company is part of the majority, marketing planning needs to be updated every year to predict market movements , adapt strategies and achieve better results, increasing sales - and ROI (Return on Investment) .

In B2B (business to business) models, this update is just as necessary, if not more so, because the entire purchasing journey is much more complex. Analysis must be even more in-depth to create an industrial marketing plan that includes capturing new leads and satisfying all possible decision-makers in the purchasing process.

The idea is to create a long-term digital relationship strategy so that your company is strongly considered whenever a potential customer needs your product.

So what should be considered to ensure that marketing planning for industries is efficient?

1 - Company analysis
It is very important that you know your nigeria whatsapp data company in depth. Who are your main customers , what are the most common questions, your working method and/or sustainable production? Do you have awards, seals and positive consumer reviews? What can be improved?

2 - Take a peek at the competition
Who are your main competitors, what are they doing? What are their latest launches? Which product poses the greatest threat to your organization? How has their marketing been done, and what strategies are they using?

3 - Defining the ideal client
In B2B marketing, this definition goes through three phases. The first is the business target audience with characteristics such as segmentation , size, geolocation, etc.

The second is the definition of the profile of the opinion makers of these companies, based on age, gender, academic background, social status, etc. And the third is the definition of the persona, which is a fictional representation of your ideal customer.

Therefore, industrial marketing actions must be developed with your ideal customer as the target.
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