Critical Path Method – CPM

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Critical Path Method – CPM

Post by bitheerani319 »

It is necessary to have a tool that allows me to use a diagram to outline all the activities into which the project is divided, specifying the type of relationship between each one and the other as well as their duration.

A tool that allows me to estimate the shortest time in which it is pakistan phone number list to complete a project is the critical path method (CPM). This is an algorithm used to calculate times and deadlines in project planning. The main objective is to determine the duration of a project, where each of the activities in the project has an estimated duration . The duration of the activities that make up the critical path determines the duration of the entire project and the differences with the other paths other than the critical one are called slack times. A project can have more than one critical path.

The critical path method uses certain or estimated times and consists practically of:
Identify all the activities that the project involves
Establish relationships between activities. Decide which should start first and which should follow later.
Build a network or diagram connecting the different activities to their precedence relationships.
Define costs and estimated time for each activity.
Identify the critical path and the slack of the activities that make up the project.
Use the diagram to help you plan, monitor, and control the project.
There are two networks within the Critical Path method

a. Arrow Diagram
b. Precedence Networks

Both are used to determine the critical path of a project.

Arrow Diagram

They consist of creating a network or diagram that shows all the activities pertaining to the development of a project, shows a logical sequence in which said project must be carried out and specifies the interdependence between one activity and another. The activities are represented by arrows and the connections between one activity and another are represented by Nodes.
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