This management style involves interaction between the manager and the subordinate. It is most effective in companies whose activities are creative. To successfully implement the creative management style, certain rules must be followed. First, the level of education of the manager and subordinates must be approximately the same, and second, non-material incentives must be used.
The following features are characteristic of the corporate management style:
The manager carries out the russia email list process of managing employees, involving them in discussing production issues and making decisions, the responsibility for the implementation of which is assigned to him. He listens to the opinions of subordinates and not only wants to enlist their support, but also counts on specific assistance. He reduces his management functions to the necessary minimum and gives orders only when necessary. He understands that it is impossible to predict everything, and adequately assesses the abilities of his employees. The manager controls the results of work, it is possible to use self-control.
The manager provides employees with information about the actual state of affairs, which is necessary for successful solution of tasks. Moreover, he also informs them of other information about the company's work. Management is carried out by informing. The manager does not feel the need for signs informing others about his status.
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According to Shtopp's theory, a manager using the corporate management style must meet the following requirements:
be open;
trust your subordinates;
renounce status privileges;
be able to delegate control to your employees;
carry out official supervision;
control only the results of the work.
All employees are perceived as partners who are able to cope with solving everyday tasks almost independently. When assessing the efficiency of subordinates, as a rule, the Y or XY theory is used, from the postulates of which it follows that:
A person does not want to work not because he is lazy by nature, but because he was not provided with the appropriate conditions. Bad conditions reduce the desire to work;
employees take into account the goals set before them, they have self-discipline and self-control;
production goals are easily achieved through material incentives and providing employees with conditions for personal and professional development;
employees do not run away from responsibility if they have a positive experience;
The active position of employees helps to increase their motivation and efficiency.
According to Shtopp's theory, in a corporate management style, employees must have the following qualities:
desire and ability to take responsibility;
the ability to independently control one's activities;
the ability to exercise control rights.
Thus, the main advantages of the corporate style are rational decision-making, high motivation of subordinates and reduction of the manager's workload. It also promotes individual development of employees. However, with this management style, prompt decision-making is not always possible, which is its main disadvantage.