Display time. When launching advertising campaigns, we often encounter the fact that advertisers do not want ads to be shown on weekends, at night, or ask to show ads at certain hours. This can only be justified in two cases: if there is no way to leave a request on the site, and no one to answer calls, or A/B testing was conducted, the results of which made it clear that showing ads at night is unprofitable. In all other cases, it is imperative to enable display around the clock. And it is again a matter of competition: if 50 competitors are active during the day, and only 10 at night, then the click price at night will be much lower.
Device type. Yandex.Direct distinguishes only two types accurate mobile phone number list of devices: desktop and mobile. Google also distinguishes tablets (devices with a call function and a screen diagonal of more than 7 inches). There may be less competition on smartphones due to the fact that some advertisers decided to turn off impressions completely or set a downward adjustment. This happens if the site is not adapted for mobile devices. We would advise launching ads on all types of devices with the same base rate, and then adjusting it based on statistics.
Adjustments. Various adjustments can affect the click price. It is important to remember that the estimated rates in advertising systems do not take them into account. For example, if you see that you need to bid 70 rubles to get into the top Google Ads ad unit, this does not mean that 70 rubles will actually be enough for all user segments. Your competitor can also bid 70 rubles, but set an increasing bid adjustment of +100% for the audience of men over 18 years old. In this case, your ad for this audience may not get into the block.
Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics analysis will also help you understand which audience costs you the most and which brings in the most revenue. By adjusting bids, you can reduce the cost per click to achieve your desired KPI.
6. Relevance and quality of the landing page
A landing page is a page that a user goes to after clicking on an ad. Yandex and Google say that the quality of the page specified in the ad affects the cost of a click.
However, tests have shown that there is no direct influence in Yandex. Direct, and in Google Ads it is insignificant. But the Google search engine itself evaluates many quality factors, both of the site and landing pages, the main ones being: ease of use and conversion on all types of devices, adaptation to mobile devices, fast loading. And when specifying a link in advertisements and creatives, it is worth taking very seriously where and what page the user will end up on.
Tip: pay special attention to the loading speed of your site on different devices, this factor is gaining more and more weight. According to Amazon, the average online store buyer is not ready to wait for the loading of a page with products for more than 3-5 seconds.