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The five powers for success in Email Marketing

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:23 am
by RafiRiFat336205
We only need one hand to count and describe the 5 powers we need to make our campaign successful. In this post we will tell you which ones they are: Power to imagine: having the ability to imagine something as if it were already a reality is very important to define the objectives and purpose of our news. Having an ideal image of what we want to achieve with our campaign helps us work for a reason.

This is when we are ready to think about content, design and campaign typology. Power to create: in order for our campaign objectives to be met and for clients to read our emails, we must give value to our campaigns. Send "different" emails and make a difference in your results. Try to make both the design and the content, in addition to being relevant and valuable to the client, creative and original.

Power to listen: having the ability to listen is the first and most address in indonesia important step in communication and the same happens in email marketing. Listening involves observing, paying attention, being interested in our clients and anticipating what they may need. Knowing what the client expects from us, we can send them different types of emails. Sending commercial emails combined with content emails will have a better response from subscribers, thus achieving true loyalty.

Power of commitment: the email marketing campaigns we carry out are aimed at our clients who subscribed to receive it, they gave us their permission, because they are interested in receiving our information, they make up our database and we must have the full commitment to only send communications to them and not to other people, and to respect the decision in the event that they request to unsubscribe.

Power of analysis : this last and important power is closely related to the first, with the ability to imagine and idealize where we wanted to go, setting real objectives and in a given time. Analyzing and measuring the final result against the expected objectives is essential, since it allows us to study and compare the success or failure of our email marketing campaigns.

According to the result achieved, new action plans are made again, setting new goals and objectives to meet.