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Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:48 am
by bitheerani319
Anyone who closely follows the maturity of the global market can see that all this fuss surrounding the internet is nothing more than a response, a reaction to the demands of the 21st century consumer.

If today we have enough tools to choose, research, complain, promote or publicize anything we like or dislike, I ask: Why would we give that up? Web tools are there. In seconds we can have descriptions, manuals, tutorials, price comparisons and opinions from various users about the usability of products, their warranty, durability, etc.

The maturity of the market I am referring to is the same that I hope buy saudi arabia number continue to reach politics. If we are going to pay, we need to demand quality. Brazil, wake up! We are no longer a colony! We no longer need to exchange our gold for hoes from Portugal, simply for lack of options.

Of course, we still have a lot to learn, but progress is undeniable. Big companies have been working hard to keep consumers interested in their products. They have realized that that wonderful woman encouraging the consumption of a product in prime time, in an advertisement during a soap opera break, no longer has the same power of persuasion.

Consumers want more. For example: John likes product A, but Joseph prefers product B because he doesn't understand how product A works. The advertisement tells him that product A is better than B, but it doesn't provide enough information. So Joseph calls a customer service center to get this information and is answered by someone who tells him to go to a store to get this information. In the store, the salesperson needs to sell, so Joseph knows that this information is biased. What should he do?

This is the classic problem of the 20th century. Information was slow to arrive, which reinforced the power of advertising. If the consumer's need or desire was greater than his patience and persistence in waiting for more information, he ended up making decisions on impulse. This still happens today, and a lot, but better-informed consumers no longer fall into this trap.