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Remember there’s a ton of free

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:56 am
by zihadhosenjm60
Remember there’s a ton of free information on the Internet already, so what can you write that your readers are truly craving solutions to—yet can’t easily be found elsewhere (at least in the same level of quality, depth, value, or uniqueness)?

Here are a few ways to discover which eBook ideas your audience will likely be most interested in:

Ask them. Novel idea, right? If you’re thinking about writing an eBook, start by asking your whatsapp canada audience (even if that number is small today), what would benefit them to have an eBook about. You can ask that question over mass email through your newsletter, in a post on your blog, directly through one-on-one messages, and on social media. If you have a few eBook topics you can’t decide between, try polling your readers with a short survey to see which topics resonate most with them.
Look at your best-performing pages. Go back through your blog and analyze which blog post ideas have performed the best. Which topics have gotten the most social shares and traffic? Which ones received the most comments? Doing this might give you a good springboard for an eBook idea.
Review past comments and questions. What are some of the questions that your readers have consistently asked you either in the comments, via email, or on social media? What is a general theme that comes up again and again? These questions can give you fantastic eBook ideas that address real reader needs.
Ultimately, the best eBook ideas will live at the intersection of what you want to write about—and what your readers want to learn more about.

How to Choose an eBook Idea Your Readers Will Love (Screenshot of Graph)
If you can find that area of overlap, you’ll have cracked the code to learn how to write an eBook that has serious revenue potential.

"The best eBook ideas reside at the intersection of what you want to write about—and what your readers crave more of."
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That being said, you can also reach a point where over-analysis leads to inaction. If you’re still feeling conflicted about choosing from amongst a pool of multiple eBook ideas that live at the intersection of your own interests and your audience’s desires, my advice is to go with your gut and choose the topic you feel most drawn toward.