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Principles of Operational Management

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:39 am
by maksudasm
Operational management of a team involves taking into account not only purely economic and production processes, but also social phenomena. Employees must have acceptable working conditions not only from a physical, but also from a moral and psychological point of view. Many managers, however, still focus on production processes and completely lose sight of the importance of vertical and horizontal connections between superiors and subordinates.

The basic principles of operational management can be formulated as follows:

All types of leadership have a specific purpose.

Individual environment for socialization. Different types of employees and teams should use different work methods.

Hierarchical management in spain email list strict sequence. The compiled algorithm must be followed in full, without skipping individual actions and stages.

Each employee's interest in the results of their work. If the seller does not receive any benefits from selling the goods that he recommends to the buyer, then he will not work hard to close the deal.

Ensuring the principle of competition at all stages of business. It has long been noted that a person in a competitive environment begins to work more actively and efficiently. However, victory itself is not always sufficient motivation; it must be accompanied by some tangible reward.

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Alexander Kuleshov
Alexander Kuleshov
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