The "text-image gap" in the crash test

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The "text-image gap" in the crash test

Post by roseline371277 »

Anyone who works with images and text people will be familiar with this: an outcry, a shock, the sentence: "There it is again, the text-image gap!" This always happens when something different is shown in an image than what the title or caption describes. And because text people are proud of their letters, the image usually has to be indonesia rcs data replaced rather than the text being tweaked. In journalism courses and among communication people, text is the focus; images are treated and considered important, but somehow remain a mystery. Because there is no orthography, no grammar and no autocorrect.

The term "image-text gap" was coined in the early 1970s by media scientist Bernward Wember - and in a completely different medium: television. Wember wanted to show that spoken news content should not be accompanied by any kind of images, but that images help to understand the content. In a study, Wember had viewers watch film clips and asked them what they remembered. The moving images in one of his examples did not contradict the statement, but they did not support it either. There was often no relationship between image and text. The visual impressions only functioned as a tapestry of images that strongly attracted the audience's attention.
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