The solution: before the product even exists! Sounds difficult, but it isn't.
There are hardly any limits to creativity. «Pretotypes» can take many forms. Here are a few examples:
Fake Door: Act as if your product already exists. For example, create a website with product information and a "Buy" button, or add your new dish to the menu before you have bought the lebanon rcs data ingredients. When people buy it, politely explain that it is not yet available and give them a voucher as a thank you for giving you hard data on demand.
Pinocchio: Create a non-functional version of your product and use your imagination to pretend it actually works. This can be something as simple as a painted can that you put in your living room as a "pretotype" of a voice assistant and talk to it. This way you can quickly see if and how you would use the real product.
Mechanical Turk: Before you make a major investment in developing and building a working prototype or even a finished product, consider whether you can use human skills to simulate a product feature. IBM simulated speech-to-text functionality decades ago using people who were invisible to the test subjects and typing in the background, quickly and easily testing whether such a function would be used sufficiently (it wasn't).