Peter Wanner's CH-Media has

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Peter Wanner's CH-Media has

Post by roseline371277 »

What is the Ringier case about? As editor, a publisher bears the ultimate journalistic responsibility for a publication. He cannot and must not be indifferent to how an editorial team approaches important topics. It is therefore perfectly clear and standard practice in the industry that he or his CEO should periodically exchange views with the editorial teams on the major journalistic lines. In a crisis of the century such as Corona, it would even be negligent not to do so.

At Ringier, this seems to happen relatively directly middle east rcs data (although Walder now explains in interviews what he meant by that), while at other publishers it happens via commissions and committees: publishing committee, Pietro Supino's Tamedia has installed a quality assurance committee. In all cases, the publishers are heavily involved and leave their mark.

But what about the media that are now nailing Walder to the cross? At the "Nebelspalter" and the "Weltwoche," the publishers are also the editors-in-chief. That's practical, because the journalistic air sovereignty is in one hand. L'état, c'est moi. There is no need for intermediary bodies that would only get in the way. The NZZ, which beats the drum of independence so much, employed an FDP National Council member as its domestic affairs editor until not so long ago.
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