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The key role of the editor

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:16 am
by Raihan8
To create a content marketing team that meets the proposed objectives, the presence of a content editor who closely monitors the operational process is key. This position is extremely important in the team, since whoever occupies it must have the ability to define what and how will be communicated in the different channels and moments of the journey .

If the company does not yet create content extensively or is just turkey phone number list beginning to do so, it may have an editor who acts as content manager. However, no company should do without this role, regardless of the volume it generates, since, in addition to curating the content and being an expert in its creation, this professional is the one who will editorialize the material that is produced.

This last function refers to the ability to define which content is ideal for publication and which is not, as would be done in a magazine or newspaper, and is therefore usually assigned to a communicator or journalist. However, when occupying a position of this nature, it is important that they have marketing skills and know how channels, consumers and different formats work. For the MU director, in the context of modern marketing , this process will be incomplete if it is only carried out by a content editor with a traditional view, linked to the press or public relations.

“If you are an editor who doesn’t know about marketing, and you are tasked with creating content for 17- to 20-year-olds, you may mistakenly assume that writing blog posts is more than enough. However, that audience may not necessarily find the articles useful, but instead require content on networks like TikTok. In that sense, the role of an editor has to consider content curation, knowing how to turn it into pieces for social media, considering the most convenient format. It is not enough to write, correct the style and see the angle from which to lift it,” he said.

The imperative look of marketing
Meza highlights the importance of having the responsibility of managing a content area ideally fall on the marketing manager or, failing that, rely on the content director to implement it, but that it is strictly within the company's marketing area: "Why not an independent unit or a communications department? Because we are talking about content marketing, and marketing seeks to convert potential clients into clients, persuade, highlight the brand and generate demand. That task cannot be assigned to someone who does not have that training," he said.

Finally, the presence of writers and other editors will depend on the intensity of content generated by the company. Another alternative is to hire a small staff of people dedicated to creating exclusive content for the brand itself or to use a content agency specialized in content creation.