If your brain is used to running to Reddit

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If your brain is used to running to Reddit

Post by munnaf642349 »

The solution is to simply block out time for email during the day. A block of time to focus on nothing but your inbox.

Every other hour of the day will be spent doing something else, with the email tab completely closed.

While I'm not perfect at doing this, it's certainly effective when I force myself to do it.

Related: Here are a few more ways to conquer your email.

Delete notifications
Even when you've blocked access to your biggest time sinks, you're singapore phone search often bombarded with notifications that take you away from your work and occasionally send you down new time-wasting rabbit holes.

Solution: Delete them.

Turn off all but essential notifications in Notification Center in OS X
Get rid of notifications on your phone
Put your phone in Do Not Disturb mode when you're working (you can set this so you can still receive calls, either from everyone or just from specific people)
Don't keep social media apps and sites open during the day, instead
Remember that shifting your focus from one thing to another always comes with a switch cost, and those costs add up to many minutes of lost productive time. Every notification you disable gets rid of one more of those switch costs.

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If you do creative work - writing, taking photos, making videos and music, etc. - then this class will help you increase your output and take that work to the next level.
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