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Remote jobs: advantages of working remotely

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:56 am
by msttasnuvanava
The COVID-19 pandemic marked a turning point in professional development. The impossibility of working in person in all types of businesses opened the door to the option of working remotely for a huge number of people who did not expect it. And despite the solutions offered by remote work , many professionals were surprised to find that they could continue with their usual activity remotely, although at first it did not seem entirely possible. Thus, retail stores began to opt for the delivery model, to bring purchases closer to their customers; psychologists began to consult via Zoom; startups organized a system to continue performing as always thanks to collaborative tools. Remote work is possible, and all thanks to technology. Thanks to Dell Technologies' virtual desktop infrastructure , it is possible to set up a remote position in a matter of minutes with maximum security.

Advantages of remote work
Remote work benefits both workers and employers.
The company's activity continues as normal, which means that it does not lose competitiveness or put its business at risk.
During the pandemic, workers went home to do their jobs. Once it is safe how to get us number for telegram return to working in offices, many companies will opt for a hybrid model that allows workers to combine in-person sessions with remote work.

What are the advantages of this remote job for the professional?

It is a way of working that allows for a better balance between professional and personal life . Thanks to the technology available, a healthy balance between professional and personal life can be maintained . For some people this may mean having unclear boundaries between work and personal life, but at its core it is a matter of planning and discipline.
Time is saved on commuting to and from the office, which gives people back useful hours to use as they wish. Although in times of pandemic this advantage may seem circumstantial, in the long term and in more normal situations it is one of the greatest advantages we can highlight.
Remote employees have more freedom , which brings them satisfaction and makes them more engaged and fulfilled. Remote work promotes employee well-being . With no daily commute, no rushed (and often unhealthy) lunches, and no need to put in extra hours in the office away from their loved ones, remote work improves employee health.

Expectations from the entrepreneur's point of view
The number one thing employers expect is that remote work means increased productivity. It’s that simple. It all depends, of course, on the ability of employers to trust their teams, especially when they work outside the office. If the boss trusts, productivity will be boosted like never before. When you remove the superfluous and the potentially distracting or frustrating stuff (like a long, slow commute), all that ’s left is productivity. And focus . Remote work reduces sick leave, too. But there are more benefits, and very important ones. Remote work helps save money for obvious reasons: having fewer employees in the office means that much less office space is needed, with all that entails: lower rent, less furniture, less of everything! An office of many square meters will no longer be necessary if the workforce can be coordinated to work remotely some days and in person others. Furthermore, VDI technology makes the physical workplace the same as the remote one

, meaning that multiple employees can share the same physical workplace on alternate days without having to configure anything extra. On the other hand, what is more attractive than a company that offers remote work? The possibility of combining on-site and remote work attracts talent irresistibly . The ability to attract and retain qualified talent is a key differentiating factor in the corporate world, and remote work has that positive role that offers a sense of personal recognition between employer and employee. Many people would change jobs if they could access a position that favored full-time or part-time remote work. Companies with the ability to offer flexible work make all the difference for candidates.