Screenwalker, also known as "passer-by screen", is the name given to this new Marketing and Advertising Strategy on the street, where "advertising people" carry television screens above their heads or behind their backs, through which advertisements and commercials can be broadcast and projected. Although at first glance it may seem like a rather circus-like idea, this Marketing strategy seems to offer great advantages over other types of media or advertising. Among its main characteristics and some of these advantages, it is worth highlighting the possibility of taking advertising to the places where the audience is located.
Central, busy and crowded places. In addition to being all india mobile number database able to show advertising in an audiovisual way, it generates a greater impact in a much more striking and "unique" way, achieving a calling effect on the curious passers-by on the street who come to learn more about the "messages" that are being transmitted. The Screenwalker is another example of how the applied technology of communications in Advertising and Marketing can serve to reach and "seek" the user or consumer in a closer and more direct way.
Its applications are not only limited to promoting new products on the street. These strategies are also useful for their application and implementation even in special venues, fairs and events or large meetings where information can be offered, products shown or those that may be of most interest to customers can be highlighted.
In some countries such as the USA, Brazil or Mexico, the Screenwalker seems to already be part of the "advertising elements" of some of the main streets of their large cities, but this innovative concept has its origins much further back in time. The only variation has been the incorporation of new technologies to replace traditional graphic ads or posters with an entire audiovisual and multimedia medium.
Screenwalker, Direct Marketing and Digital Advertising Take to the Street
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- Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:31 am