Sarawi Macius: Regarding sponsored images, many users on Twitter are starting to get annoyed by them because they say they steal the essence of the social network. What do you think about this?
Alicia : I understand it, in principle. I put myself in the followers' shoes, because I am also a Twitter user, and I understand that they have this thought sometimes. Because when you go on Twitter it is to get informed, to stay up to date, to find out about the topics you like, and it really annoys you that there is a bombardment of advertising. But that is where we have to give the warning to the brands, which should make better use, I think, of sponsored tweets. In other words, instead of making sponsored tweets that are one hundred percent commercial, in order not to saturate the followers and not to bore them, what we have to do are sponsored tweets with valuable content that really interests them and that they really want to see.
Guadalupe Domínguez: I have had an active WordPress blog for three years and I want to change hosting providers. Is this migration difficult?
Fernando : Well, if you haven't done it before, Guadalupe, it's not a trivial matter. There are two basic steps: one is that you have to change the names of your domain, the name registration, the DNS, to the new hosting and then the transfer of the physical files in the database. And these types of things, since you don't do them every day either, even if you've done them once, they tend to be forgotten from one to the next.
What I would tell you is not to complicate things. Look at how you are going to change hosting, see which provider offers you free migration, which most are already offering, and what's more, if one doesn't offer it to you, look for another one that does, because they will do it immediately, they will do the migration without any pain and, above all, the change of DNS, the propagation of DNS, will be done much faster.
Guadalupe Dominguez: Is it possible to add a border or frame to the mobile directory on the blog to make it a little more aesthetically pleasing? Any suggestions to make the photos look better?
Fernando : Well, this was a struggle. WordPress included a box that allowed adding a simple border to images up to version 3.9, then it removed it. And you can do it in two basic ways.
One, you can modify the stylesheet of the theme you are using. This would be to create a new class in the stylesheet of the theme you are using and then from the advanced properties of each image you insert, manually add the name of that CSS class. That is the horrible, heavy and blobby version of doing it.
And then the other is to use a plugin that does it automatically for you. So, the simplest one I've tried is one called WP i+border. Then in its settings you define what styles you want to apply to the frames. You can apply very different frames: portrait style, photo style, more showy, less showy, dotted lines, everything. And it will automatically apply it to all the images and deactivate it, you configure it in those two or three little style things and you will have it very easily.
Apps add news21. Apps to add news
Alan Siri: I have another question. As a journalist, I often use Google News to check the position of my articles and gather information. What other tool can be useful?
Ernesto : Well, to replace Google News we have one that I love called Flipboard . It's an application that you have in both a desktop version and a mobile version that allows you, in a way, to design a magazine where you'll have your content added in a very visual format, a very magazine-like format. You can turn the pages, it's very intuitive, very useful, it allows you to personalize content, that is, you'll be able to subscribe to all those content sources, blogs, newspapers... And, in addition, it has something that's quite good, which is the possibility of feeding off 2.0 content, that is, content from social networks. You'll also be able to share this content on social networks, you'll be able to see the publications that your friends have set up in this application, which is in a way also a bit of a social network, and well, in a way I think it has come to replace Google News very well.