Entertain to engage: welcome Funny Marketing

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Entertain to engage: welcome Funny Marketing

Post by RafiRiFat336205 »

Just as we learned to write advertising for conventional media and then for alternative advertising actions, today we have the challenge of evaluating which posts, images, applications, deliveries or games will be the most appropriate to make people see us, like us and recommend us. And it will be practice that will tell us which content can work better than others. Achieving attention in such a multi-technological market encourages us to look for new ways of attracting attention.

In this search for new ways to “captivate” the public, fun and playfulness emerge and become valued by brands. Saturation no longer only occurs in the off world , but also in the on world . In the current era of attention, it is vital to generate content that “entertains” the consumer. The homo ludens concept resurfaces and supports play as an innate need all phone number in cambodia of the human being. The curious thing is that the online world has brought us ingenious options applicable to the entertainment era, however, this has also taught us that the off line cannot be left aside. Today more than ever, the integration between the two is a reality; the divisions can only serve academic purposes, but in practice we see that both realities come together. In this way, brands such as detergents or wines generate entertainment actions in the off line world that previously seemed impossible, for example through a street marketing activation, and then from these actions we link ourselves with some on line activity .

In the age of entertainment, it is important to self-evaluate our content and messages to see if we are in line with this playful trend. How entertaining do we want to be for our audience and, therefore, how much do we want them to pay attention to us? And although it is a trend, it is also good to evaluate whether or not our brand should go through this stage.

Although today we can be creators of messages, those who will be the owners of them will be the consumers, they are the ones who will accept, reject, replicate, share, pay attention to them or simply not even look at them. The consumer is referred to as a co-creator of content, a prosumer, a co-creator of value, terms that try to explain this latent need to involve the user in the generation of brand building. So if we want them to be our ally, how entertaining are we being for them? It is not just about creating and launching games or applications, but about stopping them, keeping them attentive, but with content that is relevant and significant.

The strategic challenge is to build memorable content, capable of being inserted into the lives of users. Messages are no longer just speeches, but rather two-way experiences where the ultimate goal will be the insertion and acceptance of the brand in a natural way, and perhaps if we choose an entertainment-based strategy in the right way, we will have some points in our favor. Welcome Funny Marketing: the challenge is given, the difficult thing is to make it fun and entertaining.
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