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2. Guest Blogging (Become a Guest Blogger

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 7:12 am
by zihadhosenjm80
2. Guest Blogging (Become a Guest Blogger on Other Sites)
Guest blogging has been one of the most successful blog marketing strategies I’ve consistently implemented (attracting over 500,000 monthly readers here), so naturally I recommend it to everyone who launches a blog to at least consider—especially since it’s highly impactful for both brand new and experienced bloggers, no matter where you’re at today.

Guest Blogging (as a Blog Marketing Strategy) Stock Photo of Working at a Table with Coffee
What is guest blogging? From a high level, guest blogging is a form of relationship-building with other bloggers, website,s or publications within your niche. You’ll reach out and pitch them on publishing an article (written by you) that’s relevant to their audience, in which you’ll be able to also link back to your own blog (and thus keep growing your blog’s domain authority). The best part is that it’s a win-win-win blog marketing strategy:

As the guest blogger, you get a link (or two or three) pointing from the more authoritative site back to your blog
The publishing blog gets a free high quality article to keep their blog fresh & provide value to their readers
The reader of the guest post gets a relevant, value-packed article to read and take armenia phone number resources on
Since guest blogging is so important in the grand scheme of blog marketing, it deserves an entire section about how to execute this repeatable strategy for marketing your blog. So, we’re going to do a primer on how to start strategically guest blogging—and if you like what you’re reading, check out my ultimate guide to guest blogging that goes even deeper & free, and provides email outreach templates too.

Guest blogging is one of the most effective blog marketing strategies because it's a win-win-win. The guest blogger, publisher and readers all get something of value.
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Find the Right Blogs to Guest Post On
Before you can start writing great guest posts, you first have to find another blog, publication, or website that’ll accept your content. You want it to be mutually beneficial to both of you, so you want to be selective about who you write for as well. Here are the criteria I use when I write guest posts for other blogs:

Pitch someone you already have a connection with (if possible): It’s easiest to write guest posts for people with whom you already have some sort of relationship, even if it’s something as simple as being a familiar face from X or in their blog comments section. Plus, if you’ve already spent some time networking, it’s a good opportunity to help each other out.
Choose a blog that’s larger than yours (5-10 times the size of your blog): Technically, you can pitch any blog that thinks your blog post ideas are great (and it can help grow your readership & domain authority), but you’ll get the biggest boost from blogs that are larger than yours. Not only will they be able to send more traffic your way, but they’ll also give you more help with ranking your content in organic search results on Google—which is the primary long-term goal of guest blogging.
Guest blog for sites in your niche (or related to your niche): Yes, you can always do a guest post for people who aren’t exactly in your niche, but you won’t be engaging with your target audience. It won’t be as beneficial for you or your host blog to go this route, and search engines like Google also won’t typically reward those links as much as a quality link from a more relevant site.
Find a blog with a similar style to yours: If you choose a blog that matches your own content style, you won’t have to work so hard to write something that’ll appeal to their audience (and your editor). As an added bonus, you’ll more effectively connect with those readers, as they’re more likely to be engaged with someone similar to who they’re already reading from.