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Sara Núñez: And now, what do you plan to do? What interests do you have?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 3:36 am
by Bappy12
We are in luck, today we are opening a section in Femxa. In these podcasts we will talk about new experiences, new additions to the company and the training we provide. In this case, the person in charge of doing the interview was Sara Nuñez.

In today's podcast we have the pleasure of speaking with our colleague Covadonga, author of the post How to find my way in the labor market among others, about what it has been like to be a student and worker at Grupo Femxa.

Below you can find the interview we had with her.

Sara Núñez: Good morning, Femxians! Today we are starting a series of podcasts, which we hope will be many. We have with us Covadonga Lacruz, with whom we are going to do a short interview. She is a former student of Grupo Femxa and is now working with us. Good morning.

Cova: Hello, how are you?

Sara Núñez: Introduce yourself a little.

Cova: I dedicated myself to the visual arts for many years. First I studied art at the baccalaureate, then I studied Fine Arts and then I found myself not knowing what to do with my life. That's when I decided to take a couple of courses with a professional certificate.

Sara Núñez: Did you do both with Femxa?

Cova: No, one was with Femxa and another in a small training company.

Sara Núñez: How did you get to the Femxa course?

Cova: It was through the mother of a friend who works for the Community of Madrid, she found out about it and told me.

Sara Núñez: So we know a little bit, what was the course like?

Cova: The first was Editing Assistance and the second was Development of Interactive Multimedia Audiovisual Products. In both cases I chose them because of the programs I was going to use, since they would give me complementary tools to the knowledge I had already acquired during my degree, but which were not useful to me today.

Development of interactive multimedia products

Sara Núñez: Just so femxians know, the Interactive Multimedia Audiovisual Product Development course has sections such as generation and adaptation of multimedia content, integration of elements using authoring tools, generation of interactive elements or programming of audiovisual projects, among others.

But for you, how was the course really, Cova?

Cova: Animation was new to me. We started using Flash programs, as well as After Effects and Premiere to put it together, and that was a wonderful discovery. I only knew a few layout or 2D drawing programs, but nothing more.

Sara Núñez: So what caught your attention the most was the animation. What did you learn and what surprised you the most from the course?

Cova: Being able to see projects in a more holistic way: understanding projects as a process and seeing everything that is within that process, which at first seems very little. When you see the result and you are not part of the industry, you don't know all the effort and involvement of so many people that is needed to get something done.

Sara Núñez: The course uses programs like Photoshop, Premiere, etc. Have you used Adobe before?

Cova: I had used Photoshop very little, but I had used Indesign and Illustrator more. But I hadn't touched Premiere, Flash or After Effects. That was really cool. I took the course mainly for that reason, because I was going to learn those kinds of programs.

Sara Núñez: How has your experience been with your teachers and classmates?

Cova: The experience with my colleagues, who are now my co-workers, is generally very good. We are all at a similar level, but each of us stands out in some aspect, we learn a lot from each other. And regarding the teachers in general, it has also been great, they are people who get involved with you as a person and who try to give you the best tools from their own experience.

Sara Núñez: Now, something negative. What was bad about the course and how could it be improved?

Cova: For me, the course had too many exams and the content of the material in the books was not very close to what we actually learned in class, which was much more practical - and I preferred it to be more practical. Then there were problems with the placement of people for the internships. In the end, most of us found internships on our own and it was very good. The experience in general was quite good, especially if I look at it from where I am now that everything is over.

Sara Núñez: Because it should be noted that the course is 360 hours of theory followed by 80 hours of practice, so it is a course with both parts. How has the course changed you?

Cova: Now that I think about it, I have changed a lot over the last few years because when I first studied Fine Arts I wanted to devote myself to drawing, but after my degree and research master's degree, the horizon canada mobile phone numbers database that was outlined for me seemed so discouraging that I didn't want to dedicate myself to it; then I discovered graphic design and understood that it could be a great way to put into practice the knowledge I had acquired during more than 10 years of artistic practice, which today had no outlet.

Cova: From the courses?

Sara Núñez: Yes. From what you have learned, what has caught your attention to continue investigating.

Cova: Animation and better integrating these tools for illustration. What I would like more than graphic design, which is very good, would be to dedicate myself to drawing.

Sara Núñez: Do you plan to take another course in the future?

Cova: I had thought about maybe taking one of these quick courses they have for a program that I'm less familiar with or that I've never touched before, like Dreamweaver, which is for web pages, or Photoshop, which is still...

Sara Núñez: Photoshop is a very extensive tool.

Cova: Yes, that's it. I know how to use some things, but it has so many possibilities that I think I could do a lot more research, learn more and apply it to what interests me.

Sara Núñez: Now let's talk about work. You are in the Femxa Group company. What is your position?

Cova: I am a digital marketing technical assistant.

Sara Núñez: Is it related to the course you took?

Cova: Yes. Although it says digital marketing, what we do is create content or graphic material for the courses that the company promotes.

Sara Núñez: How long have you been here?

Cova: Since the last week of September, that is, one month and one week.

Sara Núñez: Could you tell us about something you are working on right now?

Cova: I have just finished a kind of sampler of the courses offered by Femxa, but it is in a menu format, an à la carte format. It is about playing with different creatives to end up with something more visual to promote this type of content.

Sara Núñez: Is there anything you plan to develop in the future?

Cova: The next thing I'm going to start with is a small animation with a colleague, in which we're going to make different packaging in which it can be understood that this is a course and make a video inside a supermarket... well, it needs a lot of polishing, but that's the main idea, to make a video of a supermarket in which you add courses to your shopping cart.