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Do you know the market?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 3:46 am
by Bappy12
It is important to understand that there is no such thing as “the” ideal job, something unique, fixed and immutable. The perfect job exists as long as it supports a higher goal or objective.

Who are you?
What do you want?

What does a happy and fulfilling life mean to you? Is it a question of salary and work flexibility? Do you have a vocation that you would like to turn into a profession?

When you think about your goals, consider not only a specific position in an organization or a financial goal, but also your professional interests, your long-term career, responsibilities, roles you would like to develop and aspects such as office location, routine, values, vision, goals, structure, culture, travel, salary, additional benefits, status, organizational values ​​and culture, people management, customer contact, style... Identifying which are most important to you is the first step to establishing a meaningful search, aligning our work preferences with our life expectations.

To do this, it is important to do a real exercise in self-knowledge. The way in which each of us perceives reality and faces it is unique. It seems obvious, but in many cases, we have not reflected enough about ourselves and what we want. This prevents us from seeing our situation in perspective. What we need to rethink is what we need and what we want for ourselves at a given time, what our personal objectives are in broad terms. This exercise will help us to give a relative value to tangible and intangible factors and therefore to place our work preferences.
Analyze your work and/or training history and determine the factors that have motivated you to develop your projects or deviate from certain objectives or goals. This will help you establish certain filters.
Some say that the first thing to do is to consider job placement, that is, what we can telemarketing leads canada telephone number data offer as an employee to the labor market and why we should be hired; however, I think it is equally important to consider it the other way around: what can they offer me as an employee.
When our desires and needs align, we understand that the objectives towards an ideal job have been met.

I know what I want to do, but I don't know where or what the career opportunities are? What are the organizations that interest me looking for?

It is interesting to browse job search portals to examine what types of positions are being offered and what characteristics a person applying for them should have.
Another fundamental aspect is to take into account relationships with former colleagues, former bosses, current colleagues, clients, suppliers, teachers, family, friends and other references. Their advice or studying the steps they have followed to reach a position that we consider ideal can help us to broaden our spectrum of possibilities.
Do I have the necessary tools?

Once we have established a map of possible objectives aligned with our needs and desires, we must ask ourselves... Should I continue training? What type of training do I need? Diversification or specialization? It is important to be well trained, which is not the same as being over-qualified.

It is important to be able to set short, medium and long term goals and to establish an action plan based on the current situation. This plan will help us to consider all possible options and to be aware of what tools we have, which ones we must obtain to achieve these goals, in how much time... We must set concrete plans in order to make them real. We must also be aware that these goals are not permanent states, so it is important to establish a plan to review and readjust these objectives. Changing the perspective we have assumed can be one of the most enriching acts in our personal and professional growth.
We must not lower our expectations because of the difficulty of achieving a goal, out of fear of failure. On the contrary, realizing a flaw in our life project is not a mistake that means that the project has to be discarded, but rather it should be our strength, our way of finding the most appropriate route. Being bold and working on risky projects prevents us from becoming complacent, unlocks the potential of our ideas and pushes us to improve.
Of course, we cannot forget about self-discipline . It is curious how difficult it is to be true to what one wants from one's future self.

As a finale, this TED talk by Eduardo Briceño on How to improve in what really matters to us will question us if we are in a moment of learning or exploration or if we are in a moment of execution. Very interesting.