2. Avoid memorizing and self-evaluate:

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2. Avoid memorizing and self-evaluate:

Post by Bappy12 »

From the moment we begin our school life, we find ourselves in the need to acquire knowledge in order to adapt to the world around us. To develop and establish all the disciplines that we are taught, we must study . In order for studying not to be a headache and to be productive, it is necessary to adopt a series of habits so that with them your activity develops without problems.

Below we have compiled a series of study techniques that will help you prepare for an exam and pass with flying colors.

1. Pay attention in class and take notes:
Even if you don't think so, the first place your learning begins is in the classroom. Teachers' explanations are often a great help in understanding concepts and ideas that you might not understand on your own. Don't ignore teachers' explanations and write down the most important concepts.

Although it may seem like the most effective way, memorizing is the worst way to learn . brazil mobile phone numbers database It is much more productive to study a little every day. In addition, self-assessing yourself by writing down what you have studied on paper helps your motor memory remember the information better in the long term.

3. Stay hydrated
During exam time, we tend to overindulge in coffee or energy drinks to keep ourselves active and thus have more time to study. However, this is counterproductive, since these types of drinks have a dehydrating effect and their main components are not useful for improving memory (as stated by the European Food Safety Agency ). The best way to stay fresh and active is to drink water.

4. Sleep:
The most important thing to consolidate knowledge is to rest. An average of 7 hours of sleep is the ideal time for memory to settle and thus be able to get the best grades. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition and excessive caffeine intake can cause long-term problems.

5. Take a break:
Take a break from time to time and indulge yourself (check social media, get some fresh air, eat something). Studying for more hours at a time won't make you learn more.

6. Eat well:
Nutrition during exam time is very important. To ensure your cognitive performance works properly, eat foods with glucose, omega 3, amino acids and antioxidants. In addition, vitamin E helps brain health.

7. Avoid distractions:
Although this may seem obvious at first, we tend to get distracted by our cell phones or any other element that is not part of our notes. If you can't focus 100% at home, go to the library or any place where the environment makes it easier for you to focus on what is really important.

8. Share your knowledge with your friends:
One of the ways to exercise your mind and assess whether what you have studied has been worthwhile is to meet up with your friends to ask each other questions about the subject. It will also help you to relax.

9. Don't leave everything to the last minute:
Organize a study plan months in advance. If you leave all the material for the day before, you are likely to end up with disappointing grades. Your brain will be tired and it will not be easy to remember everything you have studied. In addition, you are likely to miss some concepts when you study "by heart", and this will influence your ability to express yourself less fluently during the exam.

Study techniques
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