7 Email Subject Line Examples That Will Boost Your Open Rate

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7 Email Subject Line Examples That Will Boost Your Open Rate

Post by sourovk291 »

No matter what type of email you send, working on its subject line is crucial . Why?

Because it's the only way for you to increase your open rate .

The email opening rate, as you know, is one of the most important key performance indicators (KPIs) of a campaign.

No matter how carefully you choose the content of your email and send it at the right time, if you don't choose the right subject line , the results of your campaign will not live up to your expectations.

Because if your contacts don't open your email, there's no chance they'll read it cambodia telegram let alone contact you, choose to place an order or subscribe to your services. So you're missing out on a lot of potential customers!

What is an effective email marketing subject line?

An eye-catching email subject line that intrigues, arouses curiosity, makes you want to know more, makes you irremediably want to click on your email, whether it is an information email subject line or, for example, a prospecting email subject line.

A quick overview of 7 examples of professional and inspiring email subjects to boost your opening rate.

Table of Contents
Email Subject Line Example #1: Include Your Contact's First Name
Email Subject Line Example #2: Use a Cheerful Tone for Upbeat Content
Email Subject Example #3: Include a Number in Your Subject
Email Subject Example #4: Add Emojis
Email Subject Example #5: Include a Personal Dimension in Your Email Subject
Email Subject Line Example #6: Talking About Similar Issues Other Customers Have Encountered
Email Subject Line Example #7: Pique Your Persona’s Curiosity
To conclude
Email Subject Line Example #1: Include Your Contact's First Name
Your contacts love to see their first name displayed . For good reason, the individual is deeply "egocentric". As soon as he sees his name appear, he can't help but click. So, think about it, add a personalized prospecting email subject!

To boost your open rate , mention the person's first name as often as possible in your subject lines, while remaining natural.

By promoting proximity, you score points for sure.

email subject first name

Email Subject Line Example #2: Use a Cheerful Tone for Upbeat Content
Want to trigger more openings?

Opt for an email subject with an enthusiastic tone, adding a choice of suitable emojis: a sun, a flower, a heart, etc.

Examples of formulations for enthusiastic objects:

Sacha, we have good news for you!
Sacha, you will be delighted!
Sacha, we haven't forgotten you!
Of course, don't make big promises!

Your content must be in the same vein to create neither disappointment nor frustration in your prospect. This type of object is very interesting for sending a birthday email , a promotional email, on the occasion of a product launch, or to announce an event. It automatically makes you want to read the content of the email.

You can also use a cheerful tone for an abandoned cart recovery email, adding a little humor.

Examples of subject lines for an abandoned cart reminder email :

Myriam, nothing is lost
Myriam, did you forget something?

Email Subject Example #3: Include a Number in Your Subject
It is well known that mentioning a number in an email subject line encourages clicks . Why?

Because it piques curiosity and gives more weight to your message. As proof of what you are saying.

Reserve this email subject for an email presenting a case study or a report in the form of a white paper, or for an email linking to a “list” type blog article.

Examples of email subjects that include a number:

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Email Subject Example #4: Add Emojis
Mainly in BtoC, and if your activity suggests a sometimes light tone, the use of emojis is strongly recommended.

This immediately sets a more playful , friendly, and intimate tone . Using emojis increases engagement because it makes your recipients want to click.

Adding emojis to your subject lines allows you to:

convey emotions more easily;
do not overuse spam words;
write a shorter subject line.
To get your contacts to open your emails, remember to write as if you were addressing a friend. Break the screen barrier as much as possible to touch your contacts right in the heart.

Example of an email subject with an emoji:

In this example, one of the leaders in the banking sector decided to add emojis to get their message across.

Result ?

The company appears more familiar. A very good point to guarantee a high opening rate .
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