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How to Increase My Online Sales Using SMS Marketing?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:00 am
by sourovk291
Are you an e-commerce website owner? No matter your industry, you absolutely need to think mobile.

What does this mean? Beyond the fact that your website must be responsive – that is, adapted to the size of a smartphone screen to facilitate navigation – you must implement a specific strategy. A mobile strategy.

If we look closely at the figures for online purchases for the year 2019-2020 , we see that the weight of the smartphone is constantly increasing, regardless of the products sold.

For your information, in 2020, mobile represents 55% of global traffic . That's huge, you'll agree.

And to communicate with your targets via smartphone, you need to favor the preferred denmark telegram channel of mobile users . As you can see, I am of course talking about SMS.

You may not realize it right now, but this is a definite asset to your store.

Find out how to increase your online sales with SMS Marketing.

How can I increase my online sales using SMS Marketing?

E-commerce strategy: why you need to think mobile?
Mobile marketing has been on a meteoric rise in recent months. 2020 was a pivotal year. The lockdown led consumers to buy and consume more online rather than in physical stores. Fewer of them are going to stores and are favoring online purchases . This is part of the new consumer habits, which should become more established in the months and even years to come.

Also, purchases are made more on the phone than on the computer, especially on weekends: 56% of transactions on the weekend are made from a mobile .

So, work on your e-commerce strategy by putting mobile at the heart of it. And bet on SMS Marketing to reach your targets .

E-commerce strategy: why you need to think mobile?Source

SMS Marketing, the ideal channel to boost your online sales
The different types of SMS
There are 3 main categories of SMS:

Relational SMS: as its name suggests, we are in a relational marketing strategy . By sending a relational SMS, the objective is to develop the customer relationship and to create a kind of connivance with its targets, by sharing information and news about the company.
Promotional SMS: this involves announcing to your targets that you are offering a promotion on some of your products or services. By reading your message, the recipient may rush to see the discounted products on your online store, which then results in impulse purchases.
Transactional SMS: the transactional SMS is sent as soon as a purchase has been made. Several SMS can be sent. Indeed, a first SMS will inform the customer that his order has been registered. Then, other SMS can come to inform him of the tracking of the delivery of his package.
The benefits of SMS campaigns
By setting up targeted SMS campaigns with automatic SMS sending , you have the possibility of seeing your online store sales increase .

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the underlying benefits you will get from it:

Increase traffic to your site;
Hit your targets at the right time;
Encourage repurchase;
Reactivate old customers;
Generate interest in your products.
Ask your customers for permission to use the SMS channel to communicate with them
Just like emailing, it is imperative to ask for the consent of your contacts before being able to send them commercial offers by SMS. If they have not given their consent, you will have to resolve not to use this channel to communicate with them.

To obtain your customers' phone numbers, they must first be registered in your database, therefore they must be customers, and they must have agreed to give it to you.

Once they have given you their phone number, you must tell them that it will be used to send them commercial offers. You must be very clear and inform them of the type of messages you are likely to send them. Be aware that they can absolutely refuse to receive SMS messages, whatever they may be.

Also, once permission is obtained, do not over-solicit your customer. Provide a simple and free way for them to unsubscribe : provide a telephone number to which they can send a “Stop SMS” message to indicate that they no longer wish to receive SMS messages.

Ask your customers for permission to use the SMS channel to communicate with them

What SMS strategies can boost purchases on your e-commerce site?
> Promotional SMS

A. To close a sale following cart abandonment

Shopping cart abandonment is something all e-retailers dread. Indeed, shopping cart abandonment means unsuccessful sales . You should know that one of the main reasons for shopping cart abandonment is the price; a price deemed too high by your prospect, who is still unsure about their choice.

You must therefore be careful to reassure him : send a promotional SMS in which you remind him of the items he has put in his shopping cart; you can offer him a small discount on the coveted products if he orders within a maximum of 24 hours. Enough to encourage him to buy for good. It's up to you to adjust the deadline.

Write a short, well-written, copywritten SMS and you will see your customers finalize their orders. You don't know what copywriting is? Don't worry. It can be learned... It's about finding the right formula, the one that will encourage your reader to click on this famous call-to-action , which must be inciting. For example, you can write: "your basket is safe, find it now".

The "now" emphasizes immediacy and simply makes you want to go see it right away. Also, you can personalize your SMS by adding the name or first name of your recipient so that they feel even more concerned.

Example of SMS to conclude a sale following a shopping cart abandonment

B. To wake up an inactive customer and make him buy

An inactive, sleeping customer is a customer who brings you nothing, we agree. What if you could wake him up with a text message? What would you say?

Why not try it, indeed! It would be a shame to miss out. The high rate of reading an SMS – around 96% – is a good indicator. If, in addition, you offer him a promotion, he will not dare to say no.

Example of a birthday SMS to wake up an inactive customer and make them buy

C. To build loyalty and expand your customer base as part of a sponsorship offer

Many businesses offer referral offers as a way to grow their customer base and retain existing customers. And referral offers sent via SMS work very well.

The principle is simple: the sponsor and the godchild both benefit from a discount on their next online purchases.

Don't forget to include a link to your site's landing page that will be dedicated to this sponsorship offer, so that your customers have all the required information in their possession.

D. To announce the launch of a new product

Have you just released a new product that you are very proud of?

Now it's up to you to communicate in order to encourage your customers and prospects to buy it. So create an SMS campaign dedicated to this new product.

Your challenge, should you accept it: in very few words, make your recipients want to click on the call-to-action button that you will have added at the end of the SMS, encouraging them to place an order.

Out of curiosity, they will go and see what it is all about. If, in addition, you announce to them that they benefit from a promo code, you will significantly boost your sales.

It could also be a product that you had announced would be arriving soon on your site and your visitor/customer had asked to receive an alert once this product was available.