The ad strength indicator helps

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The ad strength indicator helps

Post by bhasan01854 »

For example, disclaimers or special offers. 3. To pin an asset, hover to the right of any headline or description when setting up the Ad and click on the pin icon that appears. Then select the position where you want the headline or description to appear. 4. Pinning a headline or description to one position will show that asset in that position every time the ad is shown. For increased flexibility, it is recommended to pin 2 or 3 headlines or descriptions to each position.

Any of the pinned headlines or descriptions can then be shown in the pinned bangladesh phone number database position so that you still have different ad combinations available. 5. Click Save. The image below shows a headline pinned in position 1 and a description pinned in position 2. The Ad will always show this headline and description in the pinned positions every time it runs. Pinning headlines and descriptions to specific positions 5. Increase ad strength to improve performance As you create a responsive search ad, you will see an ad strength indicator on the right with a strength estimate.

you improve the quality and effectiveness of your ads to improve ad performance. Improving ad strength from “Poor” to ‘Excellent’ can result in up to 9% more clicks and conversions, according to Google. 1. Ad strength measures the relevance, diversity and quality of the Ad content. 2. Some of the ad strength suggestions include Adding more headlines Including popular keywords in the headlines Making headlines more unique Making descriptions more unique 3.
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