Never Sell a Sick Fish It would be difficult

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Never Sell a Sick Fish It would be difficult

Post by bhasan01854 »

You are going to need a good-sized holding tank for the young fish you want to sell. Quarantine for Your Own Sake – And Your Fish Moving fish from one setting to another can be stressful. If you purchased Koi from a dealer and plan to resell them, you will want to place these fish in quarantine before you sell them to others. Sometimes these fish will have parasites, which can cause them do develop a bacterial infection. Both of these maladies are contagious to other fish.

Stress can also kill Koi. Even Koi of your own breeding can be stressed when moved from their familiar tank to another one. If you are planning on breeding Koi, you are going to need a lot of room outdoors for quarantine tanks or p bolivia phone number database onds, nursery tanks or ponds, breeding tanks or ponds, and hospital tanks or ponds. After you have been in Koi for a while, you will probably come up with a few more reasons to have multiple places at your disposal to keep Koi in.

to maintain a good business if you were to sell sick fish to your customers. Some vendors do not want to take the time to wait out a quarantine period of any length. They are in a hurry to get back the money they spent on the koi they are reselling. This is why it is better to raise and sell your own Koi. Even though it may take longer for you to get started, you will be glad you waited.
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