According to these blogging statistics on frequency
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:18 am
According to these blogging statistics on frequency and post length, it’s better to post longer (more comprehensive) content with less frequency in today’s content world. And because not all bloggers have caught on to this insight about the effectiveness of long-form content, that’s a gap you can still leverage to create standout content.
Marketing-Focused Blogging Statistics
Blogging Statistics About Marketing and Creating Effective Content
Many marketers report blogging as being an integral part of their entire inbound marketing efforts (to bring potential customers to their websites).
Here are some marketing-specific blogging statistics that’ll help you prioritize where to focus in your content marketing for 2024.
16. 65% of content marketers say they have a documented content marketing afghanistan telemarketing data to guide their efforts. (CMI and MarketingProfs)
That’s a significant jump considering only 39% documented their content marketing strategy in years prior. It’s a sure sign that more businesses are appreciating the value blogging can create for their bottom lines.
17. 71% of B2B buyers consume blog content during their buyer journey. (Demand Gen)
Blogging is no longer simple a top of the funnel inbound marketing strategy (and marketing statistics like this prove the case). When properly utilized, you can put blogging to work in the middle and at the end of your sales funnel, to help answer critical questions, reinforce credibility and guide your prospects into sealing the deal.
18. Blogging influences 6% of eCommerce sales (and doubles to 12% for businesses that blog regularly for 12 months). (Matcha Benchmark Report)
If you’re thinking of adding a blogging component to your eCommerce store, be sure to choose one of the eCommerce website builders that functions well in tandem with a blog (like Shopify, WooCommerce or Squarespace). For even more, check out Tidio’s great resource for understanding customer trust and turning website visitors into sales.
19. Companies that publish 16 or more blog posts per month generate 4.5X more leads than those that publish 4 posts (or less). (HubSpot)
That means you’ll need to regularly come up with compelling, clever and engaging blog post ideas that still relate back to the overall mission of attracting readers who can eventually convert into becoming email subscribers—and you can leverage email marketing to convert them into customers for your business.
20. 600 million devices had ad blockers installed on them in 2016 alone. That number has been growing by a whopping 40% every year. (Think with Google)
Marketing-Focused Blogging Statistics
Blogging Statistics About Marketing and Creating Effective Content
Many marketers report blogging as being an integral part of their entire inbound marketing efforts (to bring potential customers to their websites).
Here are some marketing-specific blogging statistics that’ll help you prioritize where to focus in your content marketing for 2024.
16. 65% of content marketers say they have a documented content marketing afghanistan telemarketing data to guide their efforts. (CMI and MarketingProfs)
That’s a significant jump considering only 39% documented their content marketing strategy in years prior. It’s a sure sign that more businesses are appreciating the value blogging can create for their bottom lines.
17. 71% of B2B buyers consume blog content during their buyer journey. (Demand Gen)
Blogging is no longer simple a top of the funnel inbound marketing strategy (and marketing statistics like this prove the case). When properly utilized, you can put blogging to work in the middle and at the end of your sales funnel, to help answer critical questions, reinforce credibility and guide your prospects into sealing the deal.
18. Blogging influences 6% of eCommerce sales (and doubles to 12% for businesses that blog regularly for 12 months). (Matcha Benchmark Report)
If you’re thinking of adding a blogging component to your eCommerce store, be sure to choose one of the eCommerce website builders that functions well in tandem with a blog (like Shopify, WooCommerce or Squarespace). For even more, check out Tidio’s great resource for understanding customer trust and turning website visitors into sales.
19. Companies that publish 16 or more blog posts per month generate 4.5X more leads than those that publish 4 posts (or less). (HubSpot)
That means you’ll need to regularly come up with compelling, clever and engaging blog post ideas that still relate back to the overall mission of attracting readers who can eventually convert into becoming email subscribers—and you can leverage email marketing to convert them into customers for your business.
20. 600 million devices had ad blockers installed on them in 2016 alone. That number has been growing by a whopping 40% every year. (Think with Google)